Saturday, December 1, 2007


No fancy pictures to post, just some simple (and long awaited) information. Some of you guys know that I've been doing ski patrol stuff for about a year now, in some capacity or another.......well I wrapped up my four months of two to three days a week medical training this weekend. I took my written exam as well as my practical exam, testing the skills that I have learned in class. I know what some of you are whispering to yourself right now..."what do you need to know for ski patrol?? Point 'em downhill and stay away from the trees right?" Well apparently they prepare ski patrol for EVERYTHING! I'm talking CPR (for which I am now certified....go figure), defibrillation for cardiac arrest, treating sprains, major bone breaks, etc., etc., etc. Oh yeah even child birth.......I NEVER EVER want to have to do that by the way.

Hilary also took the test, however since she apparently has some sort of fancy degree she side stepped the classes and went straight to the test. Anyways all went well and now Hilary and I are official.


The Crandizzels said...

CONGRATS DUDE! Next time I am pregnant I will call you to deliver... you can be my Mid-wife!!! COOL! Tell Hilary the Crandalls say hi. And maybe you should make other things offical.

VeloRyan said...

NO NO NO NO......on both accounts!! I will tell Hil ya'll said "Hi."

Hope the Crandrizzles are doin' well.